
الثلاثاء، 19 أغسطس 2008

China Beats The United States Of America

The 2008 Olympics were spectacular. China put on the greatest show ever and the USA won a ton of gold and broke olympic records. But, by the time you read this, China will likely be named the largest manufacturer of goods on the planet pushing the United States into second place. New technologies have made it possible for companies to begin moving many different kinds of jobs to China.

China has perfected cheap manufacturing and they are branching out into the service sectors as well. Today, if you have a question concerning your checking account at Bank of America, your phone call will be answered by someone in Pakistan. If you get an X-ray at your local hospital, the technician who reads your X-ray is probably in Russia.
McDonald's is experimenting with "outsourcing" the order-taking process at its drive-thru's. That's right, when you order a hamburger and fries you could be talking to someone sitting in India who will relay your order back to the very building you're looking at.

Why? In each of those examples, and thousands more, the answer is always the same - Someone somewhere else can do it for less and, soon, China will be the one doing it for less. It's globalization or the "world economy" in action.

How will globalization affect you and your family in the future? That depends on where you live and work. As of this writing, if you

remove the cost of oil imported by the United States, the United States exports more than we import and we are the #1 manufacturing power in the world.

If you live in an industrialized nation, like the USA, where labor costs are relatively high, you can expect to see even more job losses and a reduction in wages over the coming decades. If you are living in a country with a very low cost of labor, you could experience short-term gains in employment opportunities and wage levels as more and more jobs are located in your country.

Short-term gains? Yes...because there are over 1.3 billion people living in China and they're learning to manufacture everything. They're learning to do everything. And they get paid pennies per day. However, as all democratic industrialized nations have shown, at some point the work force will organize and refuse to settle for pennies. The pendulum will swing the other way. The global economy will eventually become a level playing field.

In the meantime, whether you live in a country where the cost of labor is high or low, either you, or your children, or your grandchildren will feel the sinister side of globalization. More and more jobs will be lost to cheaper labor markets, local wages will fall and unemployment will rise. This is increasing the demand for low priced goods and services, forcing more goods and services to be provided by the cheapest labor on the planet, and eliminating even more jobs. It's a classic self-feeding downward spiral.

Don't believe me? Just go stand outside your local Super Wal-Mart store and watch the people going in and coming out with every kind of item imaginable. Do those people look wealthy to you? Probably not. More than likely they're middle-class working people who need to take advantage of Wal-Mart's low prices so they can stretch a paycheck from this Friday to next. Now think about this - 93% of the items on Wal-Mart's shelves are made in China.

You can see why we can reasonably predict that China will become the manufacturing center for the world, as well as the primary

provider of many services that can be outsourced as a result of technological advances.

What can you do? Act now to find a way of providing for your family. Pretend you have already had your job sent to China. Be proactive. Don't wait until your job evaporates. Get technical training for the new jobs in the hot future markets or go into business for yourself.

You don't have to be a victim of globalization.

Learn Why Internet Marketing Is Perfect For You

Is the economy bringing you down? Are you tolerating your job? Would you like to create financial security and freedom? Learn why you should consider internet marketing as a career. Or, a sizable sideline income stream to supplement your current monthly checks.

It's not going great out there. The cost of living is going up. People are losing their jobs. It's no wonder, people are turning to internet marketing as a means of making money. People are starting their own business online at the rate of 8,000 a day.
There are 6.6 billion people in the world today and growing. The internet users make up only twenty percent of the population. By 2010, 2 billion people will be online.

Seven reasons why internet marketing is the perfect business for you:
1. Lots of money to be made
2. Sell 24 hours a day/Nearly 100% automated
3. You can work when and where you want
4. Create as many businesses as you like
5. No overhead
6. Pay less taxes
7. Beginners can do it.

Disregard everything you've ever heard about internet marketing. It is fictional and out of date. Get the truth: The market is massive and continues to get larger day by day. What used to be competitive, is now more about joining forces and collaboration. You don't have to know everything about the internet to be successful.

Make your money work for you and not the other way around. The hardest part to working online is changing yourself. Change your outlook and it can set you free. Wealthy people know this.

Internet marketing companies will work with you to get the business skills that make you rich, with low start up costs and the ability to work at your own pace while you make the transition. When you've made the emotional and mental withdrawal from your 9-to-5 complete, you're earning potential becomes unlimited. Settle for an internet marketing company with an outstanding learning program.

Always remember, it's not money that will make you rich, it's your business skills. Work at nurturing your business skills and money will flow to you for the rest of your life.

Do you believe there are people making money on the internet? Of course there are. You can too for every single day that goes by.

Why would you invest so much time and effort at your current job that you'll never own? There is always the possibility that you may be fired or laid off. You can't even sell your job. Begin working for yourself and take control. Take more vacations without financial worries. Pay off your debts. Start securing for your retirement. Build a business you can pass down to your children.

A revolution in internet marketing is occuring. Anybody can be a part of it.

Fastest Growing Careers In Us

The baby boomer generation has affected nearly every facet of American life, so it goes without saying that they would be largely responsible for the faster growing careers in the US today. Due to the fact that this generation is aging, most of the fastest growing careers have to do with the health care industry. Of the top 10 fastest growing careers, 7 of them are in the health care industry. In the top 30, 17 are health care related based on data provided by the Bureau of Statistics of the Department of Labor. The baby boomer generation is fairly well off financially and therefore able to afford the more expensive medical treatments.

Surprisingly, doctors and nurses aren’t included in these fastest growing careers. The medical industry is changing rapidly and its hiring practices are now focusing on lower-wage, lower-skilled employees such medical assistants, dental assistants and physical therapist aides for example. All this is being down in order to waylay the ever growing health care costs in America. On the top of the list of fastest growing careers is the Home Health Care Aides profession. This profession is expected to grow by 50 percent within the next 8 years. While most baby boomers are not at the point of needing this care yet, they will be in the following years. Most are opting to hire home health aides for their parents who have reached the age where they need it.
Even though there are no Accounting or Finance jobs on the list of fastest growing careers, the Bureau of Statistics is still recommending them as a solid field that is still growing to a fairly good extent. One of the fastest growing careers in the US is the Technology field. Technology affects us in so many ways today and we have in fact become dependant on it. Software analysts and network systems make up the top 10 growing fields overall. One reason for the sharp increase in their demand is security fears.

There are some interesting surprises on the list of top growing career fields as well. For example, there is expected to be a 32 percent increase of college professors by the end of the next 10 years and 33 percent more preschool teachers. This is just another result of the baby boomer generation however. The children of the baby boomers are beginning to have children of their own and requiring preschool services. Some children of baby boomers are rapidly reaching the college age as well.

Hydrology is a rapidly growing field as well due to the ever increasing population growth. This career field contains water experts who specialize in flood control and environmental preservation. In the next 10 years there is expected to be a 32 percent increase. Related to this is the job growth in the environmental engineering field. More companies are trying to increase their environmental efficiency and develop alternative energy fuels. This will have a major impact on the type of people that major corporations are going to be hiring in the near future.

How To Import Products From China More Successfully. Part Three: Monitor Production Progress

Constantly monitoring production progress is an important and necessary follow up task. Assuming everything is going according to schedule if you do not hear otherwise is much too risky.
Anything could still go wrong for many reasons. The tooling can become damaged and the factory has to stop production until it is repaired. The factory does not want to be embarrassed telling you the bad news and may not inform you about the delay. They often have a naïve hope of fixing problems without having to tell you about them. It is a gamble that usually fails and you as the importer suffer the consequences one way or another.

It is a good idea to ask the factory for a status report on daily basis if necessary. Certainly ask them to inform you immediately about production problems that come up.

If a problem does arise, ask the factory for an estimated date it will corrected. If the delay is long, check back with them regularly, and have them confirm when the problem is fixed. After the problem is fixed, have the factory confirm the production completion date can still be met. If it cannot, have them provide a new date.

Capacity Constraints

The factory may have limited control over some capacity constraints.

These include:

*Available number of production lines

*Number of trained workers

*Injection capacity of their own injection machines or from outside partners

*Sufficient electric power available

*On-time component and raw material supply

*Legal requirement (e.g. allowed overtime working hours)

*Weather conditions such as severe Typhoons can interrupt production

Some of the limitations can be overcome by subcontracting part of the production to other factories in the near vicinity. Unfortunately, this may have a negative impact on the product quality and raises liability concerns.

Many importers do not know the Chinese Government has imposed restrictions on the use of electric power for production. In many cities, factories will not have electrical power 1 or 2 days per week. Of course, the electrical power is not completely cut off but severe penalties are imposed if the factory is caught disobeying the Government instructions. Many factories have purchased electrical power generators to overcome the power shortages. The generators run on diesel and everyone knows how expensive this has become recently. Some factories do not want to absorb the additional cost so they stop production during the electrical shut down period. Without constant communication, you may not know about it.

Industrial Growth in the North

Another important factory is the shortage of workers, especially in the Southern China provinces. You may be surprised by the fact that China, a country of 1.3 billion people, cannot provide enough workers for all the factories. However, it is true. Factories need trained workers and it takes significant effort transforming unemployed young people from rural areas to skilled factory workers. The result is trained workers are in short supply.

Northern China has undergone dramatic changes in its infrastructure over the last couple of years. Major investments have been made to build new factories on former farmland and the process continues. Compared to a few years ago, the changes in places like Ningbo, Wenzhou, and Xiamen are breathtaking.

Workers that previously migrated to southern China for jobs are now finding them in the North. You might recall the terrible events shown on TV at the Guangzhou railway terminal when approximately a million migrant workers waited for days to catch a train to their home provinces. Severe weather prevented the trains from running on schedule and hundreds of thousands got stuck at the railway station.

You can certainly understand that these people appreciate finding jobs near their northern hometowns rather than going through such an odyssey again.

One reason for the southern migration was for better pay. That enticement no longer exists. With all of the new development, workers in the North are now receiving nearly the same pay as in the South.

The factories in southern China no longer enjoy the luxury of workers competing for jobs. Wages are higher and they have mostly abandoned production of low price products. Southern production has shifted towards more complex and more profitable manufacturing. It should be no surprise that sourcing of really low-end products in southern China is becoming more and more difficult.

Chinese New Year

The Lunar New Year Holidays are an annual opportunity for workers to travel to hometowns and reunite with family. The opportunity usually only comes once a year. Factories close for at least a complete week and usually for 2 weeks or even 3 weeks.

If you happen to have production completing shortly before the Lunar New year Holidays or production starting immediately after it, you may be in trouble. Of course, no one will tell you, but from my experience I can tell you, try to avoid these periods because the quality deteriorates. The workers have their forthcoming holidays in mind and lack the concentration to do a proper job.

After the holidays, between 10-20% of the workers fail to return to the factories for various reasons. The result is, that again the factory is short of manpower and even if they manage to hire workers, they have to be trained. It could be your schedule that suffers. Be sure to take precautions if you are forced to run production during this time.

Career Development - Immediate Listings – Jobs At Vulnerable Companies In India

n a context of career development, seeking higher compensation may benefit top performers more than accepting the raise from their current employer. This is where having definitive career goals can help decide if your compensation is fair, or if the grass is indeed greener on the other side.

Most people don't consider inflation when calculating their raises. I used to figure that more money in the check meant more money. I learned that my raises must outpace inflation in order to be worth anything, first and foremost. That kind of data could begin to stem the tide of career development and on the nation. It's a question of providing the right motivation along with the right support and clearly there aren't answers. Our jobs are more sedentary. How much time do you spend in front of a computer everyday? As a top performer, it wasn't always a given because companies want to pay as little as possible to do the most work.

Search For Jobs On The Internet

This article about how to search for jobs will take a beginner's view at this interesting subject. It will give you the information that you need to know about jobs and employment. Technology is taking over our lives in many ways. The very nature of technology is to help make things simpler for us. Those of us that are older have had a high learning curve when it comes to the use of the various pieces of equipment that are now available for home use. Many older adults laugh about asking their children to help them learn how to use different home items such as computers and other electronics. I have to admit that I though the new CD player I purchased was broken until my ten year old figured out that I had the CD in upside down. Adults seem to be afraid that we are going to break or damage the equipment by pushing the various buttons, but kids are not afraid to try different things to make the items work. Last year I decided that I needed to look for a different job. I was no longer happy in the position I was working and the long commute was getting to me. I told my husband that I was going to use vacation days to search for a job because I could not do this during the day at my fulltime employment. When my nineteen year old heard me say this he told me that I could search for jobs online. He showed me how to access a website where I could post my resume and have it available to employers that had openings. He said that there were several employers that register with the websites where people could search for jobs. He found this out through the work force center that summer when he had been looking for a job.

Do you feel as though you have a firm grasp of the basics of this subject? If so, then you are ready to read the next part. He found the website that would be the most appropriate for me and placed it in my favorites so I could easily access it. When I entered the site I filled out a questionnaire that described my education as well as my work history. There was also a spot where I could enter my resume. In addition to this information I filled out forms indicating in which geographical area I wanted to search for jobs. The entire process took about ninety minutes. I had a choice if I wanted potential employers to contact me through email, traditional mail or telephone. This was a great way of stream lining the process and helped me to save my vacation time to go on the actual interviews. I could also search for jobs in other areas that were outside of the geographical area that I indicated. Within sixty days of making the decision of wanting to move I had secured new employment. I found a job that was much closer to home and that matched my skills well. It was a great way of improving the way to search for jobs. It is small things, such as this, that may aid you in your hunt for knowledge about how to search for jobs. So, sit down and decide which avenue would be optimal for you to take.

Science Jobs In Uk

If you ask for the job stream that assures utmost growth professionally, then undoubtedly the answer will be Science Stream. Science stream is an umbrella term referred for all sorts of the subjects linked with the science, research and analysis. Science jobs really acquaint thousands of scopes to make career. Commencing with the medical sector to the food science, science jobs are available in the widest of array. The finest thing is that each and every sector enables one to mold his career in the best of ways.

In country like UK, science stream has emerged as the most promising job sector. At present, majority of UK natives' first choice for job is going to be the science sector for sure. Countries like UK confer the amplest growth opportunities and better work ambiance for science jobs.
What makes UK the aptest place for Science Jobs?
  • Science jobs in UK get simpler due to the modern technologies, equipments and infrastructure available here.
  • World's most illustrious science institutes are sited in UK and that's why science scholars from all round the globe gather here.
  • All the science firms / organizations in UK offer a good pay package to the professionals including the fresher levels. And pound being one of the most powerful currencies in the world, lets you earn additional benefits.
  • Also, UK policies are very liberal and friendly for Science Sector!
  • Loads of vacancies and job openings in the science sector inspire young generations to enter into the field.

After reading above benefits, you must be curious to know about the highest earning sectors from science stream. Here are some of the most significant streams:

Biology Jobs

Biology sector has been all alone endowing with the maximum science recruitments. Biology stream offers a huge array of jobs. In the recent developments, new genres in the stream have just boosted the biology sector. Molecular biology, environment biology, marine biology and many others have prime sectors gaining popularity. Also, frequent modernizations have enhanced the job securities in the field of biology.
  • Professionals from biology field are highly demanded in the Health, agriculture, medicals, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry and so on; list is endless.
  • In addition, this sector offers loads of job profiles. Whether be a doctor to a MR; biology sector comprises every individual of the science streams.

Biotechnology Jobs
Biotechnology is the blend of biology and technology; is one of the most prospering sectors. In conjunction with day after day new discoveries and researches, this sector has been victorious in drawing maximal notice of young generation. Also, molecular biology, molecular genetics and many more streams have played major role in popularizing this sector. No wonder, presently maximum students are opting for the biotechnology courses.
  • Biotechnology jobs encompasses following industries: Agriculture, Health, Medicine, Engineering, Chemical and many more.
  • Qualifications required for Biotechnology Jobs: To be a biotech professional one needs to be graduate in this course. However, different organizations have different criteria of recruitments. Having a masters and PhD degree, sure going to boost your chances of growth in this sector.

Forensic Science Jobs

Forensic Science is one of the most talked about streams in science sectors. Shows like Medical detectives, crime files and others have already shown how forensic science has been the key in solving the most riddling crime scenes. For being so different in work fashion, forensic science can be termed as the most glamorous and challenging streams. However, one can not deny that though being very challenging; forensic science jobs are really high paying. Also, people in this job enjoy a distinct gravity in terms of positions that is somewhat not possible in other streams.
  • Forensic Science professional are recruited in the followings: Police, Private research and analysis organizations, judiciary, etc.
  • Attributes required for forensic science jobs: Sharp minded, ability to find minutest details, present observations and researches with loads of proof. Since, these professionals' words play major in solving crime cases; they must be flawless at their skill.